Tibet Learning Series is a multimedia public education project produced by Dr. Tenzin Mingyur Paldron.

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Longstanding dis-/misinformation about Tibet along with anti-Tibetan racism suppresses brighter possibilities for the world. Through Tibet Learning Series I aim to provide the public, the media, and the academy with expanded opportunities to:

  1. 1. Un-learn biases and re-evaluate what they think they know about Tibet and Tibetans, and

  2. 2. Connect this knowledge to other issues in order to better impact the world.

  3. The precursors to Tibet Learning Series are Tibet x Decolonial Atlas, a digital archive, and Truth at the Margins, a 2023 talk series described below.

Learn about Tibet’s persecuted Muslim neighbors.

Truth at the Margins

Intersex, Transgender, and Tibetan Histories

(An abbreviated version of this talk was presented at the 2023 National Sexual Assault Conference in Oakland, California.)

Truth at the Margins: Intersex, Transgender, and Tibetan Histories is a talk on racism, disinformation, and impact as they pertain to a sensationalized global news story that disturbed the world's peace and caused continuing harm to the Tibetan community.

In April 2023, a sensationalized media story about the Dalai Lama caused a spate of racism impacting Tibetan communities worldwide. Especially of concern are immigrant Tibetan schoolchildren who are experiencing harassment and Tibetan elders experiencing trauma from the racist framing of their cultural practice.

Dr. Tenzin (PhD, UC Berkeley) combines his lenses as a scholar of rhetoric and child sexual abuse survivor to analyze the problems and dynamics in the media story and offer sources for the audience to follow up and learn more. Dr. Tenzin is also Tibetan and therefore part of the marginalized community experiencing heightened discrimination based on the racist, sensationalized media story that entwined dis- and misinformation.

The talk includes two brief reviews of intersex and transgender historical figures, as a way of establishing values of interconnectedness and understanding in the audience.

Community Partners:

Seattle Public Library (5/18/2023)

Berkeley Public Library (6/5/2023)

Pride Asia

Lavender Phoenix

UC Berkeley Department of Ethnic Studies

UC Berkeley Department of Anthropology

UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Sexual Culture